Simon Landry, Ph.D.
Wildly curious autodidact.
Passionate about bridging the gap between insight and impact.
Tragically millennial.
Say hi! 👋
simon.landry at
AI UX Strategist with experience doing a bunch of things, like:
Work in legal tech, healthcare, and academia. Check out my LinkedIn for work experience.
LinkedIn carousels on AI UX design strategy from the cutting-edge research.
Developing Amazon Alexa skills (my most popular skill was acquired by Volley Inc.)
Building a market intelligence website for Amazon Alexa (Acquired by Vocala)
Self-publishing a book on how to design better conversational interfaces using science
Co-hosting a french podcast course to build a conversational interface
Building a street art app with the help of a successful Kickstarter
I'm learning (from others and through experience) how I can use my power and privilege as an educated white cis able-bodied man to dismantle structures of white supremacist heteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, and settler colonialism. Hit me up if you are too!🍉 Free Palestine.
What is Academic SEO?
A way to help people find your scientific articles and get more citations.I wrote this in 2020, so it's possible there are things you can do to get more citations.
Citation count is the most important factor when it comes to article search engines (Ranking by Relevance and Citation Counts, a Comparative Study: Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, WoS and Scopus).Increasing the number of citations your articles have will make them easier to find through search engines, leading to even more citations.
8 things you can do to get more citations for your scientific articles
Add your article to Wikipedia - Science Is Shaped by Wikipedia: Evidence From a Randomized Control Trial
Share your research data - The citation advantage of linking publications to research data
Post on arXiv at the last possible minute before the daily email goes out - Positional Effects on Citation and Readership in arXiv
Add the PDF to your article to ResearchGate (or your personal website, depending on the publisher) - How accessibility influences citation counts: The case of citations to the full text articles available from ResearchGate
Tweet about published articles - Tweet success? Scientific communication correlates with increased citations in Ecology and Conservation
Post your article on Scihub - The Sci-hub Effect: Sci-hub downloads lead to more article citations
Don't use hyphens in your title - Metamorphic Robustness Testing: Exposing Hidden Defects in Citation Statistics and Journal Impact Factors
Insert key-words directly into the titles - Google Scholar’s Ranking Algorithm: The Impact of Articles’ Age (An Empirical Study)
I removed this from YouTube because I wasn't comfortable with massive companies stealing my labour and financially benefiting from my image, voice, and script. It's a shame because this was good stuff!
I removed this from YouTube because I wasn't comfortable with massive companies stealing my labour and financially benefiting from my image, voice, and script. It's a shame because this was good stuff!